THE children have decided that I must keep the picture scrambled. Before you read the short descriptions below, I must point out that I've taken the "proud, very proud father" approach. In other words, "emphasize the good and the h--l with the bad." In reality most of my experience with my children has been great. Each has their own strengths, abilities and goals. They all have one thing in common - they are all very special to me, as you will see by my "proud father's" description below. ALL the info below was written about 8 yrs. ago. While I can’t stop myself and my kids from getting older I decided to leave this page “timeless”, at the age they were when written. |
DAD-OF-8 / Who Are the Children? |
GIRL 1 - My oldest daughter is in her late-twenties. A college graduate with honors. She is very family oriented and caring. Currently, she shares an apartment with her boyfriend (a great person!) and is working three jobs. One of her jobs is an actress in children's theater. She was placed with the family as a foster child when she was 9 years old, became adoptable, and was adopted by us a few years later. I feel very close to her, proud of her, and fortunate to have her as a daughter. |
BOY 1 - He is my oldest son and my only biological child. He is currently thirty two years of age and happily married to a woman who is a delight to have as a daughter-in-law. He just bought and moved into a new home. Financially he is doing great as the person in charge of the computer operations of a large financial firm. Through the years he has shared his home, his parents, and his life with all his adopted brothers and sisters. God blessed me and them with him. He just moved to another state. Best of all, he and his wife just became new parents making me a grandfather. What a great feeling.
Below, in this column, there are more links to books available from concerning foster care and adoption. |
Thank you to my children, their spouses and families and my grandchildren who have made life exciting, never boring, entertaining, and most importantly, more meaningful than it could ever possibly have been without them. Thank you to my local Department of Social Services and the social workers who have made my family possible. Not only have you helped my children's lives but you have enormously improved mine.
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