DAD-OF-8 / Success Stories |
This story was emailed to me by "GM". I thank her for allowing me to post it here. |
I received this e-mail from CB. It's a great story I had to post. |
I received this story from M.S. A great story that shows that with patience-- things can work out. MS |
Thank you to my children, their spouses and families and my grandchildren who have made life exciting, never boring, entertaining, and most importantly, more meaningful than it could ever possibly have been without them. Thank you to my local Department of Social Services and the social workers who have made my family possible. Not only have you helped my children's lives but you have enormously improved mine.
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This page of the web site is devoted to your input. If you have a success story concerning adoption or foster care, I will be glad to post them on this page. Please e-mail your story to “ I'll review it and if found suitable, post it. By submitting a story you are giving your approval for us to publish it without compensation to you and edit the story so that the anonymity of any named person or group can be preserved. I am looking forward to receiving stories that will encourage people to be foster or adoptive parents. |